Aeroplankton Enthusiasts Society

Intangible Products for an Ephemeral World

kNow What I Think?

Red Shoes

Good! ’cause, I haven’t the foggiest; that Jell-O has yet to hit the fridge & I’m too busy stirring…

Sometime ago, while watching an interesting documentary, the following bit of verbiage crawled past my eardrum and settled somewhere near the hippocampus:

“You do not know what you yourself think until you put it into words.” – Garrison Keillor

Perhaps the origin, or my predisposition towards this radio legend and his show (Prairie Home Companion), lent undue weight to these words; regardless, I was now packing a few extra pounds.

I have often counseled near enough ears to make an effort towards personal discovery and the formation of notions (despite their amorphous nature); yet, to have this same advice thrust upon me?

…Thus, am I left crawling on the shattered remnants of my glass pedestal, with only the unsavory taste of hypocrisy to feed my ego as I peruse the barren landscape over which I claim artistic dominion.

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